Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rock the Park!

Every Sunday in the summer the City sponsors free outdoor concerts in Bluebird Canyon Park. Luckily for us, that's just down the hill. Until  today we hadn't managed to go to one, so we had no idea what to expect. We had seen signs advertising it, and they always said "No set ups before 3pm", so that gave us the impression that people brought picnics and settled down for the afternoon. Yes, they sure do!
Amy & Steve's friends set up early and kept space for us. Of course you haven't much hope of finding parking, so Steve dropped the 3 of us off and we brought the chairs and cool box down, while he went off to park.
Well, guess what. They must have heard the Irish were coming, because it was a U2 tribute band: Hollywood U2. You might be able to see them in the distance!
 There must have been 1000 people there! It was a real family day out. We were very impressed with the folding tables, table cloths and in one or two cases, candles!! Everything was low - so the tables were ideally suited - 12" high with clever folding roll-up features!
It was people-watching heaven! The beautiful people of California were out to enjoy themselves, in ther own sedate way!
Picnics were very impressive, with salads of all kinds, cold cuts, fruit and drinks of many varieties.
Young and old mixed and mingled comfortably, and you could see that many people were delighted to meet up with friends, neighbours or acquaintances.
I tried to explain that we have outdoor concerts in Ireland too, but that we come prepared for the weather - thinking of Independence festival as I write! I made a feeble attempt to describe Oxegen but it was too painful, in the sunny SoCal sunshine!
The 'stage' was a grassy mound, just perfect for the band. And the setting sun moved west as time went on, leaving the stage in sunshine till the end! How well-planned!

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