Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aging Hippies?

Well of course California was the birthplace of the Hippies and yes, they are still here. I often heard the term 'aging hippies', but actually, they aren't as much aging as aged, by now!!!
Laguna Beach was first an artistic community, then a hippie community. And in the words of one local, then it became a yuppie community and now it's a rich community!
But the original hippies are still in evidence, albeit more groomed, nipped and tucked. They still wear jeans, shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops, and they are still groovy people! (Most of them are still blonde too ;-).
Every Sunday at the Arts Festival grounds there's  a Beatles tribute band playing, and we stepped it out with the grooviest of them to dance in front of the stage!!
They have no hang-ups here about bringing your own picnic to a concert venue. You have to get there early to get a table. Some people go all out, bringing tablecloth, napkins, candles as well as the 'essential' coolbox, often on wheels. We were lucky to get 4 chairs. American Express had reserved a lot of tables - for its valued customers, no doubt ;-)

The car is a raffle prize.
Oh yeah - I forgot to mention - there was a queue inside the park area when we got there, but we didn't take too much notice of it. About an hour later there were excited screams of young girls! Yes, some famous people were arriving! Well - the cast of Criminal Minds, not sure if it's on Irish TV, but it's a TV show here. They stayed an hour, did some interviews probably, had a photo-shoot and signed autographs for the fans.

And it's good to see that the next generation of hippy-types is going strong too! I thought these two looked cool. They were waiting for the tide to go out a bit so they could go out on the rocks for some reason.
His beard matched his pony-tail!

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