Tuesday, August 21, 2012

'Our' walk.

We walk on Moulton Meadows which is a park and wilderness trail just up the hill from our house. Here are a few pics to give you the idea of the route we take. First, going uphill, we pass some great architectural feats - houses built on stilts to make the most of their land area, which in most cases is a very steep sloping site!
Undergoing restoration.

Front wheels!!


This Pontiac seldom moves!

 Then we reach the park. There's a walkway around it, with exercise points, where you can stop and work out, if the mood takes you!

And of course the pepper trees! Yes, they are peppercorns!

The park has a new playground since last year, as well as revamped basketball practice ground, and of course the tennis courts. There are a few BBQ pits, where groups or families can gather for a meal together, lots of space for the kids to play, no worries about preparing the house, and everyone can bring home their own washing up!!

When we have done a circuit of the park we wander out into the wilderness trail, towards a place aptly called Top of the World.  The path runs along the top of the ridge between the valleys and the sea, and ends at Top of the World, where a large sign clearly states that you are not welcome any farther on. What a pity that people have to feel they need to exclude hikers. The trail has to go around the back of some of their houses until it meets the road again further on. Anyway, here are a few pics. I'll add some of the vegetation ones at the end.

Lots of cyclists use the trail.

At the top I tried to take a panorama in 3 shots. You'll have to adjust your right eye!!

That took a bit of engineering!!

So here are the few plants, as promised. In a place that is so dry it's amazing to see what plants can grow. I especially like the cactus among the dry grass, and that dry purple one we often get in flower arangements!

The fire fighting system is very impressive.

On our way back I took a few photos of houses and the views on the route downhill:

Hat-hair extraordinaire!!!

Our house - see Irish flag?

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