Wednesday, August 1, 2012


On Monday we went for a walk down by the beach. It's really beautiful. It's still as nature intended, with cliffs, inlets and very little added by way of boardwalk. The cliff top walks are great though, with paths, seats and picnic areas, all very well maintained. The view from the cliff back over Laguna is spectacular. All along the walk at the various entry points to the coves there are signs reminding you not to remove or disturb any wildlife on beach, not to turn over rocks or remove anything. Fair play to them for protecting their natural environment. It looks like everyone takes it seriously.
On a walk along the cliff path, your eye is drawn to the mansions, and some smaller but beautiful homes that perch on the cliffs and whose gardens sweep down to the beach. These homes would fetch $28million on the market. We kep an eye on the property section of the local paper, in case we spot anything that takes our fancy!!
As we walked along, we saw one of the houses that was having its roof dismantled, probably as part of a complete overhaul. Two white men in hi-viz vests and helmets were on the roof supervising 6 or 7 Hispanic men with absolutely no safety equipment. I couldn't help thinking that a county which puts so much emphasis on protecting its coastal wildlife should give some thought to enforcing safety procedures for the humans working on its private homes.

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