Sunday, August 21, 2011

The McCarthy Gathering

Well, finally the day has arrived! We were so excited about having the folks over!! They started arriving from 5pm and we immediately settled in to comparing notes and memories. Questions, questions, questions! So much to find out, so little time..
Our BBQ was supplemented by a great salad from Cathy as well as the famous fruit pie dessert (can't remember the actual name of it) and chocolate cake as well as plenty of wine.
Lauren was a great help in the kitchen, toasting burger buns, and organising everything. We all just mingled and chatted in a very relaxed atmosphere. Eddie Junior came too after work. It was great that Gerald, Teri and the boys, Kyle & Shane got here too, as we hadn't met them already. Of course the Main Lady was Joan! Looking great and so adoring of her grandchildren - I wonder if her own kids were a teeny weeny bit jealous!!
I know you only want to see the photos, so here you go!
Joan, Mary, Shane (Gerald's son), Cathy

Gerald & Mary's son Eddie (Jnr)

Kyle, Gerald's son. (He's drinking the Coke!)

Teri & Eddie (fellow in-laws!!)

Mary's daughter, Lauren

The puzzles came out! Thanks, Aidan!

Eddie, Lauren, Eddie, Mary.

Is that so? (Joan, Aidan, Gerald)

Gerald, Joan, Cathy, Mary

Gerald, Shane, Kyle, Teri.
Eddie Junior in his Dodge
The evening just flew by! Lots of promises and wishes were made about visiting Ireland and a warm invitation is extended to all in Ireland, Australia, Switzerland..... Believe me, the welcome you'll get over here will be outstanding!! Eventually it was time for them all to head back (down the canyons!!) - but I must tell you that they had all the washing up done before they left!
That's my kind of family!!

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